Stay tuned for updates about the launch of the newest Arabic search engine
Onkosh is the search portal for the Arabic web. Anything in Arabic on the web, we've got it. Anything Arabic-related in English or French on the web, we've got it. understands the Arabic language and utilizes advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques to ensure that you receive the best results for your search query. We don't just say that, we mean it. currently comprises:
- Onkosh Web Search - Search the web for Arabic and Arabic-related sites.
- Onkosh Directory – View and search the Arabic Open Directory listing, a categorized and comprehensive listing of Arabic sites on the web.
- Onkosh Image Search - Search images on the web for Arabic and Arabic-related sites.
- Onkosh Blog Search – Everybody's talking blogs in the Arab world these days, and we're listening. View the most popular blog posts and search through thousands of blogs.
- Onkosh Forum Search – Search millions of posts in several Arabic or Arabic-related forums. With this specialized search from Onkosh, the results take you to the exact forum post that is relevant to your search query, not just the URL of the forum page.
- Onkosh Bel-3araby – Search for Arabic using English characters and popular character replacements like "3" for "ع" and "7" for "ح". This is an exculsive feature on the internet. Give it a try!
We have a very exciting roadmap ahead, so continue to stay tuned for all the great features that will be adding over the coming period.
There are many Arabic search engines out there. Onkosh is The Only True Arabic Search™.